Nicole’s story.
I began making food at home years ago because of my daughter’s allergies to wheat, dairy, and sugar. If a product doesn’t have one of these allergens, it usually has the other, so my options of what I could buy in a store were close to none. Being a mother of a child with autism, I realized first-hand the effects that these foods would have on my daughter’s well-being. I made it my mission to research nutrition and food and the impact it has on the body. After seeing dramatic changes in my daughter as a result of a clean diet, I became passionate about creating foods that everyone I know can enjoy and benefit from.
Elemental Superfood Seedbars are for everyone; Moms that have little time to make healthy snacks for her children or herself, the diligent worker who needs a quick easy snack, or the busy student needing food that helps keep them alert and focused. They are the perfect fuel for the biker, hiker, snowboarder, surfer, runner, jogger, or any other physical activity that requires strength and endurance. They are great with a cup of coffee in the morning or any other time of the day when you want something delicious that you can truly feel good about eating. For satisfaction and sustainable energy, it is a perfect snack or meal on the go. Elemental Superfood Seedbars have no additives, no preservatives, no fillers, and nothing artificial. They are made with the highest quality ingredients that are organic and pesticide-free, raw, gluten-free, and dairy-free. These bars are high in protein and fiber, loaded with omega-3s and omega-6s, and sweetened with the highest quality raw honey.
I am so excited for this opportunity to share this creation with you, and I look forward to spreading the knowledge that has helped me and my family so much. Thank you.