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Real talk with Elemental- Pamela Salzman

Real talk with Elemental- Pamela Salzman

12th Mar 2021

Pamela Salzman, Cooking Instructor and Cookbook Author, grew up on Long Island and followed her college sweetheart out to Los Angeles and the rest is history! She has always loved good food and gardening and had a solid foundation for both growing up. She wanted to change careers and help people become healthier by learning how to cook with whole foods. She absolutely loves teaching and is on a mission to making cooking fun, approachable, uncomplicated, delicious, and still good for you.


1. How are you creating a healthy environment at home during this unstable time?

I am trying to model good eating habits for my kids, get outside and get fresh air and exercise, and have a little private alone time every day.

2. What are your top tips for building a strong immunity?

Food comes first - I eat a mostly plant-based diet with lots of fresh vegetables and fruit. But a strong immune system also comes from being well-rested, getting fresh air and sunlight, moving your body, and knowing how to manage stress.

3. What or who is your inspiration?

My father was very inspirational to me. He came to the US when he was 20 years old and had to learn a new language, get an education, and help support his brothers and sisters. He grew up on a farm in Italy and taught me so much about organic food and the importance of cooking from scratch. He also was able to put stressful situations in perspective.


4. What do you do when you have a craving for something that might not fit into your parameters of a “healthy lifestyle” or “good nutrition?”

Cravings are normal! I usually give into my cravings immediately because if I don’t, they will continue to nag me until I do give in. But if I want ice cream, for example, I eat a standard serving size and not the entire pint.

5. What is your favorite Elemental Superfood Seedbar flavor?

How can I choose?? They’re all so good, but if I had to pick one - Dark Chocolate + Peanut Butter!

6. What do you do for “me” time and how do you incorporate it into your busy life?

I take a walk every morning on the beach. It has been my saving grace over the last year. I make sure I wake up early enough that I can shower and get dressed to start my work day at 9:00 am.

7. Do you prefer an outdoor rustic vacation, or a more plush resort vacation? Can you describe it?

I actually like something in between. My preference is to be surrounded by nature and to have a balance of being active and relaxing. Sitting by a pool all day is not fun for me.

8. How do you balance your personal life with your professional life?

It’s harder than ever since my entire business is now online and I work from home. Plus, I’m always testing recipes and feeding them to my family; filming in my kitchen; asking my family to help me with Instagram lives. And, having your own business means you can work 24 hours a day and it will never seem like enough. The best thing I ever did to respect my relationship with my family and friends is to unplug once dinner rolls around and afterwards. No work, no posting on social media, just be present and do something else!


9. When you “treat yourself” what would we catch you doing?

Not working in the middle of a weekday!

10. What is your guilty pleasure?

Ice cream. And I don’t waste my time with fruit flavors. I am all about chocolate, caramel, mint chip or coffee.

11. What is your favorite recipe to make? Would you share it with us?

I don’t have 1 favorite recipe, but anything that starts with sautéing garlic, crushed red pepper, cherry tomatoes, basil, salt and olive oil is comfort food to me. I’ll put that on pasta, grilled bread, spaghetti squash, grilled fish, cauliflower steaks. It’s always good.

Check out my Pasta with 5-minute cherry tomato sauce recipe here!

12. If you could give your younger self advice, what would you tell them?

Don’t worry so much. Wear sunscreen. Think big.

13. Do you have a mantra? Would you share it with us?

My mantras change as I change and life changes. This year it’s “why not?"

14. What is your best advice for someone who wants to start their own business?

Don’t wait until you think you know enough. Yes, it’s scary, but there is no growth in your comfort zone.